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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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Fingerprint Model of Image Protection and Its Comparison with Various Protection Model

( Volume 6 Issue 6,June 2020 ) OPEN ACCESS

Athira V Prem, Arun R Chandran


fingerprint value, image fingerprinting, block of image, filtering operation.


The dynamic development of the Internet causes so many bad effects on images present in the website, because images are spreading rapidly and widely. The phenomenon of image illegal usage increases day by day. It has great impact on people’s normal life. Therefore, it is very urgent to protect image security and image owner’s rights. At present, so many protection techniques are available to keep image’s privacy, but these are passive protection method. The fingerprint extraction model of image protection is very good method, it provides a better protection mechanism compared to other method. Fingerprint of an image is very unique one. Each image has its own fingerprint different from that of other image. So this technique can be used in so many social media to protect numerous images spreading day by day. Comparing with other image protection technique fingerprint protection method is very high accuracy and lower the calculation complexity required to protect the image. Future scope of this technique is to reduce the illegal usage of personal images and avoid so many fraudulent activities occurred in the busy internet world.

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