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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
India | Germany | France | Japan

Free-Cooling in Seasonal Cold Accumulator

( Volume 1 Issue 8,December 2015 ) OPEN ACCESS

Sławomir Rabczak


One of the ways to reduce the consumption of traditional energy sources is the use of seasonal cold accumulator that takes advantage of the geographical location in the country and allows, during the winter season, ie, November, December, January, February, March accumulate cold because of lower ambient temperature in these months. This leads to saving a significant amount of electricity and reduce operating refrigerant, which is dangerous for the environment. This paper presents a method for determining the size of cold storage with charging devices as chiller and dry-cooler. The approximate costs of device operation including the time of framework of these components has been obtain.Design seasonal cold accumulator allows to conclude that this solution has a number of economic and ecological advantages. Due to the seasonal tank design the saves on chiller, which under normal circumstances would have been selected for the highest hourly energy demand, which means that the device should be several times larger than the device that was used in the project. By selecting a small chiller the environment from hazardous refrigerants is protected, which are chlorofluorocarbons, specifically in the case of refrigerant called R- 410A.


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