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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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Frictional Performance Correlations for Calcined Bauxite and Alternative Aggregates

( Volume 7 Issue 12,December 2021 ) OPEN ACCESS

Eslam Deef-Allah, Korrenn Broaddus, Magdy Abdelrahman


AIMS, British Pendulum, Calcined Bauxite, Dynamic Friction Tester, Micro-Deval


Calcined Bauxite (CB) is a common aggregate used in high friction surface treatment. Due to the high price of CB, six aggregates were investigated as alternatives to CB. These aggregates were Steel Slag, Meramec River Aggregate, Rhyolite, Earthworks, and Potosi Dolomite. Correlations between the frictional performance of these aggregates were scrutinized using an aggregate image measurement system (AIMS), British pendulum (BP), and dynamic friction tester (DFT). Micro-Deval (MD) was utilized, and its results correlated with the frictional testing results. A stronger correlation was observed between the angularity and sphericity indices when compared with the correlation between the texture and sphericity indices or when compared with texture and angularity indices. Inverse correlations were found between the MD percentages and texture or angularity indices. No correlations were found between AIMS and BP or between AIMS and DFT results. A direct linear correlation was distinguished between DFT and BP results.


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