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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
India | Germany | France | Japan

Green Building Concept Analysis Using Different Framework

( Special Issue VIT Campus,June 2021 ) OPEN ACCESS

Sunil Meena, Naveen Kumar Meena, Satish Meena, Kuldeep Singh Kulhar


Green Building; Energy; Environment; Green House Gasses; Green Construction.


The construction business is one of the huge energy customers and makers of Green House Gasses (GHG). It eats up 38% of the overall energy; and this bar the usage of various resources like water. Universally, this has extended the crisis of an unnatural climate change and has incited improvement of green designs. In the Sub Saharan Africa alone, 56% of energy used is by building assignments. Green constructions are publicized as traditionalist, resource capable and innocuous to the environment appeared differently in relation to the convectional structures. This assessment explored the level of determination of green construction thoughts in business structures and the key challenges arising out of their gathering resolved to choose legitimate procedures for executing them. The assessment was driven through an investigation strategy and used surveys, interviews, discernments for data collection. It furthermore evaluated detailed data from available records including journals and books. The assessment revealed that enormous level of the design advancement players and specialists drew in with the actually reviewed fabricated business structures in our country thought about the green construction thoughts yet minimal level of the thoughts had been participated in the constructions. In this paper an examination is coordinated which choose the principal thoughts remember for the advancement of green constructions also the strategies are moreover discussed which can help with making care in people concerning the upsides of green design and could be a phase towards green construction practice for the future world.

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