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International Journal of New Technology and Research

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Green Marketing : A Study of Emerging Opportunities and Challenges in Indian Scenario

( Volume 1 Issue 4,August 2015 ) OPEN ACCESS

M. K. Sharma,Neha Pandey,Rubina Sajid


Green marketing is the marketing of products that are presumed to be environmentally safe. Green marketing incorporates a broad range of activities including product modification, changes in the production process, sustainable packaging as well as modifying advertising campaigns. The paper is an attempt to provide a platform to understand the awareness level, their perception, the parameters considered for buying the green products. We need to utilize the resources economically so that it does not cause any harm to the environment. Green marketing practices are required for existence of the human race. It may take a long time to accomplish this task but it will certainly be very profitable. The product, price, place and promotion are the key components which should be modified or some variance need to be offered in the marketing mix elements, so as to form reduced waste and improve energy efficiency to encourage green marketing. In present scenario, there is a dire necessity to educate and create awareness among the consumers about the green environment.  The responsibility lies with the corporates also as Corporate Social Responsibility, so as to make the youth aware about the environmental hazards. This may not happen immediately, but it will be a gradual process. Today the young consumers are more concerned about keeping the environment safe. They want to reduce the ill impact of usage of services and product that may harm the environment. This research paper aims to shed the light on the very much talked about topic, Green Marketing.

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