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International Journal of New Technology and Research

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Human Security: Redefining the Ethics of Peacebuilding

( Volume 6 Issue 12,December 2020 ) OPEN ACCESS

Khushmita Dhabhai


Human security


  Human security is the freedom from fear, want and indignity. While peace is "not merely the end of violence, but is a condition that allows for emancipation from insecurities in the broad sense". Hence establishing the idea that a sustainable peacebuilding effort is a condition derived from the successful implementation and progression of the emancipatory human security approach to people whose insecurities are at stake. This article will discuss how human security answers the ethical questions of peacebuilding- "Which type of peace?" "Whose security/peace?" "How security/peace?" and "What type of security/peace"- by identifying the state's raison d'etat in its response to the people. 


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