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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
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Identification And Risk Assessment Health, Safety, And Environment On Apartement Project

( Volume 3 Issue 11,November 2017 ) OPEN ACCESS

Arif Rahman Hakim


Occupational safety and health issues in Indonesia are still often overlooked. Data shows in Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) that the number of workers in construction is considerably increased, from 4.844.689 people in 2010 to nearly double by 2015, that 8.208.086 people or about 7% of the 114 million workers (BPS, 2016). The construction sector is also considered to be one of the sectors that are at high risk for workplace accidents. The data previously presented work accidents are not specifically contain information on construction work accident, but some sources (BpjsKetenagakerjaan, 2016) (Pritanti, Purwoto, & Solechan, 2012) recorded at least 30% of cases of occupational accidents occurred in the construction sector. In this study will be examined on the identification and assessment risks of health, safety and environment in the construction of apartments. Methods of assessment using a risk assessment matrix derived from the AS / NZS 4360: 2004 Risk Management Standard. From this study obtained the highest risk that is at variable workers fall from high places at activity Dismantle pairs of scaffolding with risk index 12,6. The lowest risk index that is variable workers exposed to dust at activity Lifting material with tower crane with risk index 5.94.

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