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International Journal of New Technology and Research

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Identification, Distribution and Density Determination of Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Ornamental Plants of Mazandaran

( Volume 3 Issue 6,June 2017 ) OPEN ACCESS

Seyed Esmaeil Mahdavian , Farahnaz Jahanshahi


170 samples of soil, root and standing parts of ornamental greenhouses plant collected from different city of Mazandaran province which included AmolTonekaboon, Ramsar, Salmanshahr, KelarAbad, AbasAbad, Nashtarood, Nowshahr, Hachirood. These samples collected from 74 flowers and ornamental plants that belong to the 50 different groups of plant and collected between the years of 2012-2015 and then investigated. There wasn’t any nematode contamination in aboveground organs of plant.  Totally nine genera and 10 species ( M. javanica، Aphelenchoides، D. dipsaci، Helicotylenchus، Scutellonemabrachyurus، M.brevidens، P. thornei، P. vulnus، Paratylenchus and Tylenchulussemipenetrans ) Belonging to eight families and Tylenchidae  family ( from this family of the following genera Filenchus، Boleodorus، Psilenchus، Basiria and  Neopsilenchus) extracted and identified. M. javanica, Aphelenchoides and D. dipsaci were the host of three important nematodes of ornamental plant parasites; these hosts investigated according to the number of nematodes per 250 Cm ³ of soil, average of population that exist on each host and the number of  contaminated samples for each city. Tylenchidae with 64 contaminated has the most frequency percentage. The most population of nematode related to the Pothos plant that was located in Abas-abad region. Paratylenchus nematode with one contaminated sample has the lows frequency percentage and the most population of nematode related to the Asparagus plant in Amol city. M. javanica with 43 contaminated samples and 2520 nematode was collected from Pothos plant that is located in Nowshahr. 32 out of 74 collected ornamental plants was host of M. javanica, 21 plants was host of Aphelenchoides and 12 plants was the host of  D. dipsaci; therefore 43, 25, 14 samples reported  that contaminated to these three nematodes. 15 contaminated samples was the most amounts that located in Nowshahr, the most population of 2520 identified from the Pothos plant of Nowshahr city and Nashtarood and tonekaboon has zero contaminated samples. The most contaminated samples to the Aphelenchoides identified from Nowshahrthah has six samples and the most population of this nematode with 320 population identified from camellia plant in Hachirooda and Tonekaboon with one sample has the lowest contaminated sample.  There are six contaminated samples to the D. dipsaci that located in Nowshahr and the most contamination of this nematode was 190 that identified from Begonia plant in Abas-Abad.

Tonekaboon, Amol, Ramsar, Kelar-Abad and Nashtarood have not any contaminated samples. 52% was the most population for M. javanica that was in Ramsar, Aphelenchoides had the most frequency of 29% that was in Amol, D. dipsaci had the frequency of 22% that was in Salmanshahr and the total frequency percentage of these three nematode was 25, 15 and 8 respectively.

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