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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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IMF BZ and its Variations with the Geomagnetic Parameters - a Comparative Study at a Low Latitude Station, Visakhapatnam

( Volume 2 Issue 10,October 2016 ) OPEN ACCESS

B.V.Rama, Dr.M.S.S.R.K.N. Sarma, Prof D.S.S.V.D. Prasad


Though the works on geomagnetic storms have many research articles but still the mechanism through which magnetosphere is coupled with low latitude ionosphere during the density pulse events is not comprehensively understood. So the topic is still challenging the present study is of a sudden commencement storm on July 2006 and November 2007 , both the years considered to be in low solar active period was taken into consideration. A detailed comparison of the solar wind parameters with reversal enhancements of IMF Bz and Dst is discussed.

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