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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Sports Fan Engagement

( Volume 7 Issue 8,August 2021 ) OPEN ACCESS

Aditya Gupta


Artificial Intelligence, journalism


This paper covers the impact of artificial intelligence on sports fan engagement. It talks about the development of AI in sports, the first software used, who created it and how it evolved over the next few decades. It is then followed by the recent addition of various Artificial Intelligence based services over the past few years for example: chat bots, automated journalism, automated highlights and many others like artificial audio and visual effects. The subject is explored and supported by a survey where questions are asked about the impact of the implementation of AI in a sport, activities related to watching sports on television and various streaming platforms as well as things participantsas fans would like to change. It is then followed by a in depth data analysis and conclusion.

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