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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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Impact of Work Study on Productivity: A Study on Athletic Shirt Manufacturing Process in the Apparel Industry

( Volume 7 Issue 2,February 2021 ) OPEN ACCESS

Noorul Muqaddim, Suhal Ahmed, Mir Mohammad Azad


Athletic shirt, manufacturing process and Apparel Industry


Bangladesh has gone through an unprecedented growth of export-oriented garment industries. The growth rate is spectacular if seen from the view point that development in any other sector of Industry was sluggish and of basic textile sector, in particular, was negative and had been a source of drain on our resources. Production of clothing items is rather a very complex job under a lot of pressure points. Added to the particular complexity and unique features of garment production there is the lack of appropriate management techniques. Apparel industries in this country are said to be not competitive because of a host of reasons.

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