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International Journal of New Technology and Research

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Impediments in Implementing the Enterprise Resource Planning Systems in Public Universities

( Volume 3 Issue 10,October 2017 ) OPEN ACCESS

Bogonko Ben Mariga, Ogalo James , Nyangara Charles


Despite the heavy investment in the ERP systems, it is not yet vivid how Kenyan Universities have involved users in the implementation of the enterprise resource planning system for the realization of their operations to obtain the benefits from the investment.  In close examination of previous studies on whether the ERP system implementation at the university was successful or a failure, most of the users responded that it was a success while a few indicated that the implementation was below average. This study sought to evaluate the challenges encountered in implementing the ERP systems in public universities in reference to user involvement. This research was guided by Information Systems Success Model and Diffusion of Innovation Theory. The researcher adopted a descriptive survey research design and the area of the study was at Kisii University. The target population comprised of 300 respondents. The researcher used questionnaires for data collection from the sample size of 65 respondents who were picked randomly. The collected data was analyzed by descriptive statistics methods of mean and standard deviation. Then the results were presented in form of tables. The overall results revealed that respondents agreed (M=2.31; SD=0.972) that there were challenges facing the implementation of the ERP systems in public universities in Kenya. The study concluded that the ERP system implementations are faced by varied impediments which should be overcome to ensure smooth information systems implementation. Further the study recommended that in as much as the university rolled out the implementation of the ERP system which is ongoing, it has not fully done so to realize its full value of the system and as such the university should consider the ERP system implementation challenges for they are fundamental for the success of the ERP system implementation in public universities.

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