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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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Implementation of the Designed Automatic Change over System for the Department of Physics, Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University, Uli.

( Volume 2 Issue 4,April 2016 ) OPEN ACCESS

T. Ilomuanya, U.V. Okpala


In this work, we constructed microcontroller- based automatic power changeover with artificial intelligence for auto switching from conventional source to alternative source and vice versa, in the event of power failure.This system has two major sensors; one for the public power supply and the other for the standby generator. The signal from the sensor goes through signal conditioning to be able to communicate with the controller. The microcontroller monitors the signals from both sensors, to ascertain when public power fails and when power from generator comes on line. Both scenarios are quickly reported to the user via SMS. When public power is restored, the automatic control system checks the voltage level to ensure that it is within the acceptable range (180V -230V), if it is, the control system quickly changes over power to the public power source and switches off the standby generator. If it is not within the acceptable range, the control system leaves the generator ON even though the public power is available. In this way, the building and appliance are protected from any fault in the public power supply source. This system therefore incorporates both the automatic control and the intelligent /feedback control.


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