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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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Implementation of The Five Dimensions of Growth Strategy at PT. Putra Medikaltek Indonesia Indonesian Hospital Medical Gas Equipment Manufacturing Company

( Volume 8 issue 5,May 2022 ) OPEN ACCESS

Hasyim Abdulloh, Dessy Isfianadewi, Zaenal Arifin


Manufacture, Business, Management, Strategy


The focus of business practices is on the company's growth strategy of PT. Putra Medikaltek Indonesia, which has been running from 2020 to 2021, is in line with the author's concentration, strategic management. PT PMI has developed quite well but has not yet fully implemented a business strategy for optimizing existing business processes. In its implementation, it is still limited with limited resources and has not taken full advantage of existing opportunities. PT PMI has some problems, such as a lack of trust in local products, the imported product domination all over the region, limited funds for product development, factory development, and work facilities, and the company's internal working time discipline lacking. To solve the problems, PT Putra Medikaltek Indonesia should implement a five-dimensional corporate growth concept strategy: Striving for standardization of products to gain consumers' trust in domestic products (Consumers), planning to reach the local market to more areas by adding collaboration with new distributors (Geographic), innovating by adding other kinds of products together with academics (Products), having plans to build factory units and new work facilities (Capabilities), and implement psychological safety (Culture).


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