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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
India | Germany | France | Japan

Implementation of the Technology Revolution 4.0: Monitoring and Measurement of Temperature, Distribution Current at Transformers Using Internet of Things

( Volume 5 Issue 11,November 2019 ) OPEN ACCESS

Suprianto Bambang, Budi Santoso Agus, Rijanto Tri


Distribution transformer is the heart of the distribution network. Distribution transformers are expected to work continuously to supply electricity to customers. The emergence of disturbance in the distribution transformer results in damage to the transformer and interruption of power distribution to the customer. One of the disturbances in the distribution transformer can be caused by a short circuit or overcurrent loading which results in an upward current from nominal as well as an increase in winding temperature or around the transformer. This study aims to design and build a prototype of a current and temperature parameter monitoring system on an IoT-based transformer to improve efficiency, lifetime and to know the transformer's condition in real-time. The results of this study indicate that the prototype when compared to amperes pliers can respond to 3 phase current values ​​that are read with an average measurement error or error accuracy per phase current R = 1.0%, S = 1.8%, T = 1 , 7%, and the average measurement error or temperature error accuracy per phase R = 3.1%, S = 5.8%, T = 8.0%.



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