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International Journal of New Technology and Research

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Importance of Work-Life Balance

( Volume 3 Issue 6,June 2017 ) OPEN ACCESS

Chetna Arora, Dr. Rajlakshmi Wagh


The question which arises is whether we are enjoying a healthy Work-Life Balance in Reality? This is a big question which stands like Gibraltar for all of us. Work-Life Balance refers to the concept of managing and the excellent execution of the responsibilities at the workplace as well as in Business organization. With the passage of time and age, the responsibilities increase making it extremely important to streamline our work-life balance. If an employee is able to execute the workplace and personal responsibilities in a balanced way, it leads to decrease in the appearance of tell-tale signs of poor work-life balance like absenteeism, stress, job dissatisfaction and many other morale deteriorating signs. Let's face it, working fewer hours frees up the time so that an employee can give some time to community, family, hobbies and so on. It's important to keep assessing work-life balance. This article is written with a perspective of understanding the importance of having a healthy work-life balance. 

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