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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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Impromptu Speaking and Authentic Assessment in English Language Teaching/Learning

( Volume 3 Issue 3,March 2017 ) OPEN ACCESS

Adolf Tanyi Mbeh


Spoken English is one of the major communicative skills in English. The impromptu speaking teaches the students to focus their speaking and listening skills as well as teaching them how to logically organise their ideas. This paper sustains that impromptu speaking can aid ESL learners in their confidence in formal speaking situations while improving their general ability to communicate on all levels. The article presents examples of topics and speech frameworks are given to help teachers understand the mechanisms of an impromptu speech. An assessment sheet is also outlined and explained for teachers. This will help them’’ organise speech development and assessment of the learners. In addition, some of the most common formal speaking difficulties are discussed and different solutions are suggested.

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