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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
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Improved Software Quality and Design Standards Based on Customer Preferences by Applying Evolutionary Prototyping Software Development Model

( Volume 3 Issue 5,May 2017 ) OPEN ACCESS

S. Adarsh, D. Harish, K. Balaganapathy, R. Venkatachalapaty, E. Abishiek, M. Nagarajan


The concept of Evolutionary prototyping software development model came into existence that emphasized on the need to follow some structured approach towards building new or improved system. In this paper, we focus on the analysis of the Evolutionary Prototyping model and its application in the design and development of Graphical User Interface (GUI). The IT industries invest huge capital sums for developing consumer products. These products must satisfy all requirements of the customers. Sometimes the requirements may not be clear, or there may be different solutions for a problem. In such cases, the developers often make a prototype of the product before the actual product is produced. This prototype helps the producers to better understand the project requirement. This prototype can be used to improve the design of the product, so that it is favoured by the customer. Also the prototype helps in identifying errors in design at a very early stage of production, or rather before the production begins, thus improving the product quality.


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