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International Journal of New Technology and Research

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Improved Troubleshooting Services with Kaizen Philosophy, Case Study: PT XYZ

( Volume 8 issue 7,July 2022 ) OPEN ACCESS

Muhammad Iqbal Aulia, Rosalendro Eddy Nugroho


fishbone diagram, kaizen, quality, why-why analysis.


Companies engaged in the service sector are very dependent on the quality of services provided to customers, especially on companies engaged in internet services. In order to provide the best service to customers, companies in the internet sector or commonly called Internet Service Providers (ISPs) need to continue to improve the services provided to customers. One of the services that must be managed properly is the troubleshooting service. The main purpose of this service is to ensure that customers get the best quality internet services that meet customer expectations. In its implementation, disruption handling services really need support from various supporting components. Just like other service products, troubleshooting service are not free from problems in their management. Through the kaizen method combined using fishbone diagrams and why-why analysis to find the source of the problem, it is possible to improve service disruptions that can be implemented. The kaizen method can improve service by fixing problems that require less effort and are sustainable but have a big impact on achieving quality targets with an agreed average of handling disturbances.



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