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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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Improving Properties of Concrete by Replacing Cement Partially With Silica Fume

( Volume 7 issue 7,July 2021 ) OPEN ACCESS

Kute Rohan, Shingade Sudarshan, Nagtilak Akshay, S. N. Daule


Silica Flume, cement, CTM, Compressive Strength.


In the modern world with the acute necessity for the developing infrastructure facilities such as development of roads, bridges, buildings etc. consumption of cement abnormally leads highly to the depletion of natural resources like lime, gypsum and other materials. The efforts have been made to replace cement with any other suitable material. It is an attempt to reduce the use of cement by replacing silica fume with cement in the concrete. This study is an experiment in the nature of silica fume and its influences on the properties of fresh concrete. First the strength parameters of concrete without any parts replacement were studied then strength parameters by partial replacement with silica fume have been studied by placing cubes and a cylinder on compression testing machine (CTM). The industries are facing problems for proper disposal of their byproducts. This study resolves two issues, one is the proper disposal problem and the other one is reducing the cement content. The replacement of cement with silica fume was from 0 to 20% at an increment of 5% for the cubes and cylinders. From results it is observed that partial replacement of cement with silica fume having significant effect on the compressive strength of the cube and the split tensile strength cylinder. The strength of concrete increases rapidly as we increase the silica fume content and the optimum value of compressive strength is obtained at 15% replacement. After 15% of replacement the results start decreasing under uniform load condition of 4kN and similarly the split tensile strength increases up to 15% and then start decreasing under the uniform load condition of 2kN.

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