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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
India | Germany | France | Japan

Improving the performance of Five Level Inverter With Grid Interfaced under Various Events of Power Quality

( Volume 3 Issue 10,October 2017 ) OPEN ACCESS

Dr.B.Gopinath, Mr.M.Kalyanasundaram, V.Karthika, M.Pradeepa


This paper presents adaptive synchronization based dq-current control technique for five-level NPC grid interfaced inverter DG system. Due to synchronization the performance of grid interfaced DG systems affected by power quality (PQ) events such as, balanced and unbalanced voltage sag/swell, frequency shift, phase jump and harmonic distortions .An amplitude adaptive notch filter (AANF) is used for detection of utility voltage phase angle and estimate frequency, amplitude .In this proposed paper the five level inverter is used to reduce harmonic distortion. This technique also operates interfacing inverter close to UPF mode. The efficacy of the proposed control technique in integrating the DG system under PQ events to the utility grid is investigated through MATLAB simulation results. The laboratory experimentation is ongoing and can be presented latter.


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Total View : 740 | Downloads : 731 | Page No: 92-96 |

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