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Impulsion Vertical Characterization in Game Action of Blockers and Defenders in Sex Role in the Circuit World Beach Volleyball 2014

( Volume 2 Issue 8,August 2016 ) OPEN ACCESS

Julio Cesar de Faria Pastore, Carlos Alberto de Azevedo Ferreira, Fabiola Claudia Henrique da Costa, Paulo Vicente Joao


Introduction: Volleyball presents movements in their basic fundamentals, involving as an important factor of success or failure the vertical jump, such as serve, block, attack and counter attack. Objective: This study aimed to identify and quantify the number of jumps performed by blockers players and defenders during the stages of the World Championship Beach Volleyball FIVB 2014. Materials and Methods: Data were effectively 20 athletes, 10 male and 10 female, where males aged (27.35 ± 3.94) for blockers (n = 5), height (2.00 ± 0.06) and body mass (92.0 ± 6.99) has for defenders    (n = 5), age (27.82 ± 4.81), height (1.92 ± 0.05) and body mass (83.9 ± 8.92). In the female age (27.52 ± 4.81) for blockers (n = 5), height (1.84 ± 0.04) and weight (70.2 ± 4.51) while defenders (n = 5) were (26.32 ± 3.42) for age, height (1.79 ± 0.05) and weight (67.4 ± 4.48) that at least played five rounds of the World Beach Volleyball Tour 2014. Result: There was a difference in relation to the number of jumps between the blockers and defenders in both sexes in the different evaluated actions and the total jumps. Conclusion: The study revealed that the amount of jumps performed by elite athlete’s beach volleyball depends on the number of sets played, and the strategy adopted for each team.

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