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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
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In-house Production Method for DNA Ladders to Determine Nucleotide Fragment Sizes up to 1500 Base Pairs

( Volume 3 Issue 11,November 2017 ) OPEN ACCESS

Tengis A, Duuriimaa.O, Badamsuren B, Batchimeg N, Ulziijargal G, Tsendmaa TS, Javkhlan B, Baigalmaa B, Bilegtsaikhan TS, Munkhtulga L, Nyambayar D, Munkhbat B, Baatartsogt O , Purevjargal N


the human genome project was recently completed after running for 15 years and revealed the presence of 30,000 genes in the human genome with a total nucleotide length of 3.2 billion base pairs (bp). Many novel methods and techniques have been developed in the field of molecular biology and molecular genetics as a result of intensive research, where basic analysis is impossible without the use of DNA size markers or DNA ladders. This research aimed to establish an in-house method to produce DNA size markers detecting up to 1500 bp size. DNA size markers are commonly used consumables in molecular biology laboratories. In this study, we report preparation of a DNA size marker consisting of 12 fragments from 100 to 1500 bp. DNA fragments were amplified by PCR and PCR products were then ligated in the cloning vector pDYNE TA V2. Our procedure for DNA size marker production could be simple, time saving, and inexpensive. 

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