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International Journal of New Technology and Research

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Influence of School Environment on Students’ Academic Performance in Technical Colleges in Rivers State

( Volume 5 Issue 3,March 2019 ) OPEN ACCESS

Thomas Chinujinim Godstime, Engr. Amaechi O. Joseph


The study investigated the influences of school environment on students’ academic performance in technical colleges in Rivers State. Four research questions were raised which guided the study. The study adopted the descriptive survey design. The study population was 561, comprised of 141 teachers and 420 year III students in four technical colleges in Rivers state that were used as respondents without sampling. A questionnaire structured based on a 5-point rating scale of Very High Extent =5, High Extent =4, Moderate Extent =3, Low Extent =2 and Very Low Extent =1. The instrument was validated by three specialists from the Faculty of Education, Rivers State University, Port Harcourt. The reliability of the instrument was established by administering copies of the instrument to 30 respondents at Federal Technical and Science College, Ahoada who are not part of the study population but has similar characteristics with the study population. The researchers visited the schools in person and administered copies of the questionnaire to the respondents with the help of two other research assistants who are staff in the various institutions under study.  This method guaranteed that all copies of the instrument which were administered on face to face to the respondents on the first visit were retrieved immediately they were completed. This ensured a 100% returned rate and all the returned instrument were found useable and considered adequate for the analysis. The data collected from the respondents were analyzed using mean and standard deviation to answer the research questions and decisions were taken based on real limit. The study found that to a high extent school buildings, technical workshop library facilities, and location of school influences students’ academic performance in technical colleges in Rivers State. It was recommended among others, that adequate and conducive classroom building to be provided in the public schools to help promote effective teaching for students improved academic achievement. That technical workshop and library facilities be provided in technical colleges in Rivers State. 

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