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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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Influence Of The Availability And Utilization Of Educational Resources On Students Academic Performance In Carpentry And Joinery Trade In Technical Colleges In Edo State, Nigeria

( Volume 4 Issue 1,January 2018 ) OPEN ACCESS



This study investigated the influence of the Availability and Utilization of Educational Resources on Students’ Academic Performance in Carpentry and Joinery trade in Technical Colleges in Edo State, Nigeria. Two research questions wereraised the required resources available for teaching and learning of carpentry joinery subject, available physical and material resourcesin teaching and learning of carpentry and joinery in technical colleges. The research instruments were administered to 143 respondents with the helped of research assistants and trained research assistants. The instruments were collected back and analyzed with mean and percentages. The researcher adopted survey research design for the study. The findings revealed that there were enough teachers, students and workshop assistants in carpentry and joinery and the carpentry and joinery equipment/tools were grossly inadequate. The recommendations of this study areGovernment and school authorities should provide adequate equipment/tools in carpentry and joinery workshops so as to improve the students’ academic performancein technical college in Edo State, Nigeria.

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