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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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Influencing Factors in the Perception of Private Higher Education: A case study in Monterrey, Mexico

( Volume 2 Issue 1,January 2016 ) OPEN ACCESS

Elias Alvarado Lagunas, Jeyle Ortiz Rodriguez, Mario Cesar Davila Aguirre


This paper presents an analysis of perceived quality in a higher educational institution in Mexico. To conduct the study, a semi-structured interview applied offsite from the institution is done. With the information gathered structural equation model (SEM) that helps explain how students rank their perceptions of the quality of various components offered by this. Among the main findings is that students give more weight to the modern facilities and technology innovation in the classroom, as well as national and international conventions or agreements they have with other universities worldwide.

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Total View : 727 | Downloads : 718 | Page No: 93-99 |

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