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International Journal of New Technology and Research

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Integration of Lean Method in English Language Teaching and Learning: A New Perspective

( Volume 4 Issue 5,May 2018 ) OPEN ACCESS

Dr. Filiz Yalcın Tılfarlıoglu, Jivan Kamal Anwer


Lean is regarded as a logicalmethod to exploiting value by reducing waste, and by flowing the creation or service at the pull of the studentrequest. These key concepts of “value,” “flow,” and “pull,” align with the final lean goal: “perfection,” or a nonstopdetermined for development in the presentation of the organization. Through applying a lean methodology to the teaching processes, additionally the teachers can eliminate reasons that do not add value and are thus wasteful, and they can focus their efforts on the advancement of teaching and learning. By applying the lean principles and methodsindustrialized in the industry, teachers can improve the content, education, organization, and valuation methods engaged in their accounting courses to help and confirm that students achieve the knowledge and skills that will make them most necessary to students. Lean can be taught throughout several methods and tools, such as readings and class discussion, game- and simulation-based methods, and the open forum method. The readings and discussion technique present students with the chance, and even the responsibility, to express their Point of view on certain subjects, needing the students to think censoriously on the topic and use logic to assess others' situations through open and active contribution. When applying lean production to learning, we should first identify the process and then maintain focus on what adds value (i.e., student improvements), empower students to do CI (continuous improvement), eliminate what does not add value through Kaizen (brainstorm alternatives and identify a hypothesis to test), conduct PDCA (develop an experimental plan, carry out the plan or do it and then check for results and adjust accordingly), and make a team work to support and share with each other. To apply lean thinking and to create a lean culture classroom, the classroom should first be organized; thereafter, visual sheets should be managed, pre-planning must be done, takt-time should be established, and work should be standardized by creating syllabi and schedules and associated materials. Other classroom tools must be available as well, such as Pareto charts, root cause, and weekly quality assessments. To fulfill this objective, a research question has been approved as a data collection instrument in this descriptive study, a 35 item questionnaire was administered to English preparatory school student and an interview was conducted with twelve students.

In addition, the descriptive statistics indicated that the male learners employed language learning strategies more frequently (average=3.3) than the female learners (average=3.2) It can be determined that male learners use lean learning methods more than female student do. The value of (F) is 2.479, which reflects the dependency to be at significant levels (>0.01 at the level of 1%). Rendering to this model, duration of taking English (b = 1.534, p= .116 p > .01) is statistically not significant predictor of learning lean method. Value of T which is (27.87> .01) and the Value of P (.000) reveals the descriptive factor of gender effect on learning lean method as statistically significant. Besides, all the values in the regression model come out to support the view that gender is effective in the use of learning the lean method.

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