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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
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Intelligent OSS (iOSS) a Solution for Modern Telco Network

( Volume 6 Issue 8,August 2020 ) OPEN ACCESS

Mukesh Bansal, Deepak Kumar Mawandia


Assurance, iOSS, OSS, Telecommunication, Transformation


Over the years, Customer’s expectations from Telecommunication service providers have increased manifold. They expect greater functionality, higher customer experience with more value-added services. The demand for quicker resolution of customer issues have increased significantly and continuously. Even the investors have raised expectations and looking for greater return on their stakes. Churn of customers to other service provide is one of the greatest concern of the businesses. To meet such expectations, Telecommunication service providers should boost all aspect of their operational efficiency and achieve differential service quality. They must provide a scalable, resilient network and IT infrastructure to meet the customer demands and experience. They must greatly reduce the Opex costs. Moving towards OSS transformation, service providers are preparing to deliver complex services in the evolving landscape of next generation mobile communications and digital transformation. Thus, moving towards the intelligent OSS (iOSS) as next generation OSS transformation has brought lot of benefits, to the customers as well as the businesses. It has helped in delivering customer and service oriented. It has helped in increasing the revenue through various mechanism such as alignment of infrastructure, integration of data and information, consolidation of the tools and data.  This paper describes the ways in which the iOSS transformation can be implemented in secure Telco cloud environment.


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