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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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Internal Coordination Management of Operation Department with Inventory Department through Fishbone and PDCA Method (Case Study of PT. X Alam Sutra Tangerang Inventory)

( Volume 6 issue 9,September 2020 ) OPEN ACCESS

Faozul Wildan, Eddy Nugroho


Internal Coordination, PDCA, Fishbone, Inventory.


The problem that is being faced by PT. X Alam Sutera Tangerang is an accumulation of goods that occurs as a result of ineffective internal coordination that occurs between the operations department and the inventory department which has an impact on goods damage that has resulted in the company experiencing losses and the coordination process that is not in accordance with company standards. Therefore, this study aims to determine how the internal coordination management process between the operations department and the inventory department on the stockpiling problems that can occur at PT. X Alam Sutra Tangerang. This research is a qualitative descriptive study using a case study. The data obtained from field observations, data collection through interviews with sources from the operations and inventory department. The results showed that the quality problem at PT. X Alam Sutera Tangerang can be minimized by using the PDCA approach and the Fish Bone method, by changing the right to order goods authority which is fully held by the inventory department, namely the buyer's part by making purchases according to company needs. In addition, the number of losses due to property damage from lack of ineffective internal coordination has decreased compared to before the evaluation.

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