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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
India | Germany | France | Japan

Internet of Things as Media Control System

( Volume 4 Issue 10,October 2018 ) OPEN ACCESS

Suprianto Bambang, Ari Afrizal M


The research aims to build a smart home based on IoT (Internet of Things). This smart home has three functions as follows. (a) Can control lights via the internet for smart home lighting, (b) Can control the clothesline over the internet because we have received information from the rain sensor that the smart home is raining, (c) Can monitor the temperature at the smart home and control the fan through the internet to control the temperature. From the three functions then, are tested the results of its performance by looking for time lag on each system. The test results of the control of lights in smart homes, the average longest lag time while controlling the lamp was 3.2 seconds while the fastest average when controlling the lamp was 2.8 seconds. On the performance test results servo motor and rain sensor on a smart home.

The average time lag when controlling the servo motor for the open wash cover was 2.4 seconds and the average time lag when controlling the servo motor for closed covering was 2.8 seconds. While the average lag time response of the rain sensor when informed the time of rain (wet) was 6.6 seconds. While the average time lag response rain sensor when informing when no rain (dry) was 6.4 seconds. On the performance test results temperature and fan monitoring on smart homes. The temperature can be monitored every 20 seconds continuously. While the average lag time when controlling the fan to light up was 3.1 seconds. While the average lag time when controlling the fan to not turn on was 2.7 seconds.

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