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International Journal of New Technology and Research

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Investigation of Aesthetic Quality of Product by Applying Golden Ratio

( Volume 4 Issue 4,April 2018 ) OPEN ACCESS

Vishvesh Lalji Solanki


Although industrial and product designers are extremely aware of the importance of aesthetics quality, they make aesthetic design decisions largely on the basis of their intuitive judgments and ‘educated guesses’. Despite aesthetic aspect of a functional product be an important reason for customer choice to buy a product. While ergonomics and human factors researchers have made vital contributions to the safety, productivity, ease-of-use, and comfort of human-machine-environment systems, aesthetics is largely ignored as a topic of systematic scientific research in human factors and ergonomics. Aesthetics is a link between a product and the user’s emotion contributes to obtaining more desirable products for the user. To develop products with aesthetic benefits, multiple factors must be considered simultaneously.

This paper presents the strategic focus on product design, arguing that an aesthetics dimensions may help a product to be a commercial success. To achieve product aesthetically appealing to consumer GOLDEN RATIO is used. The literature shows the ways and how golden ratio has been in existence in the world we live, and some works of art and architecture that asserts the presence of golden ratio. Its impact designer decision making in concept design stage and has a signification impact in success of the product, there for hybrid methodology to be adopted in concept design stage. This method will also utilize a parametric design algorithm, and make product aesthetically appealing. To develop this new methodology thorough, literature review was used. The graphical algorithm editor software is used to modify aesthetics dimensions, after getting the result, this approach can be used in many other area of product designing.

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