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International Journal of New Technology and Research

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Investigation of Minimum Protein Percentage Required for Optimum Growth of Siamese Fighter Fish, Betta Splendens (Regan, 1950) in Juvenile Stage

( Volume 6 Issue 2,February 2020 ) OPEN ACCESS

Chathurani S.H.U., Rajapakshe A.D.W.R


Betta splendens is an ornamental fish, which has high demand in the ornamental fish industry. It is a predatory fish that seems to have a high protein requirement. Natural and prepared fish diets are rich in protein. Generally fish tend to need high protein levels. In order to culture them profitably, a low cost diet suitable for their protein requirement is needed. Hence, the minimum protein required for the optimum growth of 1 ½ - 4 months old Betta splendens juveniles were investigated.

The minimum protein percentage required for the optimum growth of B. splendens was determined using five fish meal incorporated diets having different protein percentages ranging from 24.2 % to 43.3%. For each protein level three tanks containing 20 fish were used. Fish were fed by 5% of body weight and the amounts changed every 2 weeks after weighing them. Results were analyzed using Repeated Measurement ANOVA and the means were compared with LSD test.

According to the results the minimum protein level produced optimal growth was 33.4% and this was significantly different from the two lower levels (p < 0.05). The growth attained with the two protein levels above 33.4% level was similar to it.  Therefore, for the diet containing 33.4% of fishmeal can be recommended as minimum protein diet for juveniles of Betta splendens.


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