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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
India | Germany | France | Japan

Investigation on Hybrid Concrete Using Steel and Polypropylene Fiber

( Volume 2 Issue 5,May 2016 ) OPEN ACCESS

Geethu Asok, Dr. Sunilaa George


The effect of addition of hybrid fibers on the mechanical properties of concrete mixture is studied in the investigation. Steel fibers of 1% and polypropylene fibers 0.035% were added together to from hybrid concrete. Mechanical properties such as compressive strength split tensile test and flexural strength. Hybridization refers to combination of different types of fibers. The purpose of combining the fibers is to improve the multiple properties of concrete mixture. The behavioral efficiency of this composite material is far superior to that of plain and mono fiber reinforced concrete. The addition of fiber is helpful to improve the fracture properties of concrete. The hybrid fibers are comprehensively being used in rigid pavements, airfield pavements, flexible pavements, earthquake-resistant and explosive-resistant structures, mine and tunnel linings, bridge deck overlays, hydraulic structures, rock-slope stabilization, etc.


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