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International Journal of New Technology and Research

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Is It Possible To Test The Maximum Repetition For The Inspiratory Muscle? Feasibility, Reliability and a Comparison with the Maximum Dynamic Inspiratory Pressure

( Volume 7 Issue 1,January 2021 ) OPEN ACCESS

Thiago Queiroz Pires, Bruno Prata Martinez, Fábio Santos de Jesus, Saaid Freitas Pires, Mansueto Gomes Neto


Maximum inspiratory pressure; maximum repetition; inspiratory muscle training; pulmonary function


To analyze the feasibility and use maximum repetition test (MR) as a way to measure inspiratory muscle strength, comparing it with the maximum dynamic inspiratory pressure. A cross-sectional observational study was conducted. Two moments of evaluations were performed, in the first, evaluating the reliability of the MR test, then comparing it with the maximum dynamic inspiratory pressure (S-index). The MR test was started with 30% of the S-index, with the load being increased by 10cmH2O in each maneuver, until the concentric failure was registered. A sample consisted of 146 subjects, the CCI for intra-examiner testing was 0.99, the MR test also demonstrated excellent inter-examiners with an ICC of 0.99. In the comparison between two measures, there was an average difference of 17.7 ± 11.4cmH2O (p: <0.001), despite the high correlation between them.It is feasible and reliable to evaluate the maximum repetition of the inspiratory muscles, the mean values obtained were different from the S-Index values.


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