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International Journal of New Technology and Research

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Joseph-Antoine Bouvard in Sao Paulo, 1911: Antecedent Events and Repercussions

( Volume 2 Issue 5,May 2016 ) OPEN ACCESS

Roseli D Elboux


This research aims at highlighting the real purposes behind Bouvard visit to São Paulo, Brazil, in 1911. By studying Bouvard’s academic formation, his professional life and his practical experience translated by how he committed to his clients, we intend to elaborate a profile of this man. Once Bouvard’s profile is established we can go on to elucidate his ‘modus operandi’ at São Paulo and the way execution of Bouvard’s plan was guaranteed, he ensured the execution of his plan in spite of the fact that architect returned to France. We shall be trying to find out if there is a correspondence between theory and practice and also how deeply the Haussmannian model weighed on the conception of his ideas and plans. The main hypothesis is based upon the premise that Bouvard had a previous knowledge about the city of São Paulo due to his local contacts, which made it possible for Victor da Silva Freire to make use of the French architect’s experience and prestige by inviting Bouvard in order to have his support for the approval of Freire’s ideas. The chronological period of the research corresponds to Bouvard’s professional life. In geographic terms, it focuses the city of São Paulo, but mainly the 1911 Bouvard Plan boundaries.

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