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International Journal of New Technology and Research

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Knowledge Transfer for Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery

( Volume 2 Issue 4,April 2016 ) OPEN ACCESS

Linda Khaled Al Hassan


As of late there has been a noteworthy course in regarding knowledge as an authoritative advantage. Writing recommends that if appropriately oversaw, knowledge can be significant to create hierarchical quality and development. Scientists and specialists have distinguished knowledge transfer inside of an association as a vital procedure. They propose that Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery assume a focal part in an associations knowledge transfer. On the other hand, there is a sure hazard connected with giving knowledge transfer (KT) an entirely mechanical methodology, as it is not the Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery arrangements that make esteem, it is still the clients. We in this manner needed to see how diverse Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery influence the correspondence of knowledge from an employee’s point of view. To expand this issue we directed a few subjective meetings inside of a knowledge serious organization. We found that apparent engaging quality of Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery in supporting knowledge transfer depends on attributes of Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery as well as to an incredible arrangement on the kind of knowledge that is to be transferred and also employment and errand specific.

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