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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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Leadership Skills - Empirical Evidence from Third-Line Leaders in the Kuwait Oil and Gas Sector

( Volume 6 Issue 6,June 2020 ) OPEN ACCESS

Alawi Taqi


Development, Kuwait, Leadership, Oil and Gas.


Leadership has been widely studied yet there is much to be explored as it differs based on the context. The Kuwait oil and gas sector is strongly associated with the growth of the economy. The role of the first-line leaders in the Kuwait oil and gas sector reflects the performance of the organization. The study critically analyses and presents the ‘needs’, ‘skills’ and ‘capabilities’ development of third-line leaders working in the Kuwait’s Oil and Gas Sector companies.

The empirical data is collected through in-depth semi-structured interviews from 42 third-line leaders. The findings point to the importance of business knowledge, technical skills, leadership skills, communication skills, decision-making skills, and change management skills as factors that contribute to leadership development and skills.


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