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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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Level of Service For Pedestrian Towards The Performance of Passenger Information in Integrated Rail Transit Station: Sustainable Criteria For Station Design

( Volume 2 Issue 4,April 2016 ) OPEN ACCESS

R. M. Zakwan, W. J. Khai, N. B. Hamid, U. N. Ibrahim


Passenger information system (PIS) is very important to ease pedestrian while travelling in the integrated station which can encourage them to leave their private vehicle. It is part of sustainable element in station design. The main objective of this study is to determine the performance of passenger information in integrated rail transit station at Masjid Jamek based on pedestrian movement in station. Pedestrians’ movement at several critical intersections in the station were recorded and observed through video observation. The video are then been analyzed based on the pedestrians movement delays in the station and level of service (LOS) will be given based on the delays. From the results, LOS for weekdays were slightly better than weekend may due to the passengers who commutes through the station are already familiar with the station layout since they are the frequent commuters for the related transit. PIS provided in the station can be improved more in future to encourage the private vehicle drivers to change their mode of transport to public transport especially light rail transit which currently cater most of urban commuters in Klang Valley. This can help to reduce the traffic congestions and carbon emissions on the road.

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