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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
India | Germany | France | Japan

Luminescence Property of Perovskite Structure

( Volume 1 Issue 7,November 2015 ) OPEN ACCESS

Alberthmeiry T. de Figueiredo, Cristiano M. Barrado, Raphael Lucas de Sousa e Silva, Lidianne D. Alvarenga, Fabiana V. Motta, Carlos A. Paskocimas, Mauricio R. D. Bomio


The photoluminescence property (PL) is a desired property for materials and the luminescence of perovskite type compounds have been known for a long time. This property was first identified to crystalline perovskite and it has only been recently identified in structurally disordered perovskite. In this work, we present a study about photoluminescence of structural disordered perovskite-structured compounds. There will be a special focus on the PL emission of titanates and zirconates: the main representants of these materials class. It will be discussed the origin of PL emission in these compounds. In addition, it will be related rare earth ion-doped structural disordered perovskite and PL emission.

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