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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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Manual and Automatic Extraction of Lineaments From Multispectral Image in Part of Al-Rawdah, Shabwah, Yemen by Using Remote Sensing and GIS Technology

( Volume 3 Issue 2,February 2017 ) OPEN ACCESS

M. S. Alshayef, A. M. Mohammed, A. Javed ,M. A. Albaroot


Lineaments extracted from satellite data have advantage of extracting lineaments which are not recognizable by the human eyes. Lineaments are considered as one of the most important topographic features used in exploring resources such as minerals, groundwater, oil and gas etc. beside they are indicators of structural and tectonics of a basin. Satellite data become useful for extract lineament feature especially in high resolution images. Lineaments have been extracted by manual and automatic methods successfully in parts of Al-Rawdah, Shabowh, YEMEN. Various image processing methods such as spatial filters and FCC applied in manual method whereas PCA technique and various default parameters have been applied for automatic technique. These, methods used for remove the noise, sharp the linear feature and enhance the image. Numbers of software have been used such as Erdas Imagine2014, Arc GIS 10.2.2, PCI Geomatica13 and Rockwork15. Four geospatial analyses have been applied for assess the extracted lineaments such as length, density, and intersection density and orientation analysis. The total length of manual and automatic maps after superimpose are 740km and 1978km respectively. The lineament density in all manual and automatic concentrate largely at NE &SW. The intersection density map for manual extraction concentrated largely at NW&SE of the study area, besides in automatic intersection density mostly concentrate in NE&W. Rose diagram indicated that the dominate trend of lineaments are NE-SW. The study area demonstrate the utilize of Landsat ETM+ for extract automatic and manual lineaments to assess and compare between them.

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