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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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Moving Vehicle Detection and Tracking Using Modified Mean Shift Method and Kalman Filter and Research

( Volume 2 Issue 5,May 2016 ) OPEN ACCESS

Nikita Rawat, Rohit Raja


The goal of object tracking is segmenting a region of interest from a video scene and keeping track of its motion, positioning and occlusion. The object detection and object classification are preceding steps for tracking an object in sequence of images. Mean shift algorithm is recently widely used in tracking clustering, etc. First phase of the system is to detect the moving objects in the video. Second phase of the system will track the detected object. In this paper, detection of the moving object has been done using simple background subtraction and tracking of single moving object has been done using modified mean shift method and Kalman filter. Further result of both algorithm is compared on basis on time and accuracy.


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