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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
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Network Lifespan Growth by EASR Technique in Wireless Sensor Networks

( Volume 2 Issue 11,November 2016 ) OPEN ACCESS

Chandana K N, Prof. Pradeep Kumar


In the recent technologies, Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) becomes more emerging as well as grown enormously and becomes an important tier in IT technologies as well as generally used in many various  fields of application because of their scalability, lower cost, self-organizing behavior of each  sensor node, low power, distributed algorithms, data management and social and security factors. Basically, a sensor node has a capable of sensing changes in parameters in the WSNs and communicating with other devices. The sensor nodes are designed considering very limited resources such as battery power capacity, processing speed, etc. Therefore, it leads to an uncertain situation associated with the sensor network durability or a lifetime. As the senor nodes are battery driven devices, and it only can supply a limited amount power to its respective internal components thus, it leads towards a very limited number of network lifetime (nodes will exhaust soon due to coverage and connectivity issues). Usually, in the conventional sensor networking systems, sensor nodes gather its respective sensed data and transmit it to the sink node for further processing where so much power can be consumed due to the lack of proper interoperability issues. To mitigate the above-stated problems and to extend the network lifetime energy conservation should be considered. This proposed system implements the EASR method to improve the network lifetime as well as improve the efficiency of the throughput of the entire system. This method uses both energy aware transmission range adjustment and sink relocation mechanism scheme using MCP routing protocol.

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