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International Journal of New Technology and Research

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New Approach to the Dark Energy Problem Solution and Consequences

( Volume 5 Issue 11,November 2019 ) OPEN ACCESS

Branko M. Novakovic


The consequences of non - vacuum solution of the field equations in derivation of the universe motion model are discussed. Thus, the inclusion of the gravitational energy - momentum tensor EMT and the exclusion of the cosmological constant Λ in field equations generates both repulsive and attractive gravitational forces. The repulsive gravitational force has a role of the dark energy source. Regularity condition of the related line element gives the limitations to the gravitational radius r that is greater than GM/2c2 and less than infinity. This means that presented solution has no singularity at the minimal radius. The minimal diameter Lmin of the universe mass M is equal to 2rmin = GM/c2 that corresponds to the Planck’s length Lpl = GMpl /c2, as the minimal diameter of the Planck’s mass Mpl. From the universe velocity equation, we obtain the limitations to the energy conservation constant κ that is greater than zero and less or equal to one. This means that the kinetic energy is less or equal to the potential energy. For that case the spatial curvature of the spaceis greater or equal to zero. In other words, our universe is a flat or a hyper-spherical, because hyperbolic universe is excluded. Further, the zero points of the universe velocity equation determine the minimal gravitational radius at rmin = GM/(1+κ)c2 and maximal gravitational radius at rmax = GM/(1-κ)c2. Applying radial density ρr = M/r to the minimal and maximal gravitational radiuses we obtain the other limitations to the energy conservation constant κ that is greater than zero and less than one. For that case the spatial curvature of the space is greater than zero. This means that our universe is a hyper-spherical because flat and hyperbolic universes are excluded by the mentioned limitations.


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