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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
India | Germany | France | Japan

Numerical Simulation of Interfacial Waves in Two Layers of Immiscible Fluids

( Volume 4 Issue 5,May 2018 ) OPEN ACCESS

Kan ZHU, Abdelaziz BOUDLAL, Gilmar MOMPEAN


This work is dedicated to the numerical simulation of two-phase flow (gas/liquid) stratified between two parallel planes and inclined relative to the horizontal. In this context, we have chosen to use a code for solving both the Navier-Stokes equations and the constitutive equations of viscoelastic fluid with finite volume (Gilflow) corresponding to a single phase flow of viscoelastic fluid confined between two horizontal plane walls. The two-phase flow model was here implemented successfully, by application of the "Volume of Fluid" method (VOF). The transport of the interface is solved by using the transport equation of the VOF function. Both methods: Hirt-VOF and PLIC-VOF are tested for a two-phase flow in an unsteady stratified flow regime (gas/liquid). To illustrate this numerical simulation, the configuration (gas / liquid) stratified is here presented.

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Total View : 725 | Downloads : 716 | Page No: 82-91 |

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