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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
India | Germany | France | Japan

Obtaining Antianemic Preparations and Their Use in Animal Husbandry

( Volume 7 Issue 3,March 2021 ) OPEN ACCESS

L. Japaridze, Ts. Gabelia, E. Salukvadze, N. Salvashvili, N. Osipova, T. Kvernadze


synthesis, complex, anemia, stress, piglets, bentonite, medical and preventive, preparation, livestock farming.


Research goal was obtaining of antistress, ecologically clean preparation with high bio-accessibility (bio-digestibility) and low toxicity intended for oral administration, and determination of prospects of its use in the area of live-stock farming (namely pig breeding). Manufacturing method of mentioned preparation is elaborated, which foresees: the use of freshly-prepared iron carbonate paste synthesized via interaction of FeCl2•4H2O and NaHCO3 as a source of main active component – iron (II); interaction of iron carbonate and cobalt chloride with complex formation with monosaccharide D-fructose having hemo-stimulating properties; concentrating of complex solutions up to syrup consistency; its extraction from reaction area in the free state using alcohol-ether mixture, its treatment with acetone, ether, and drying in vacuum conditions; infriction of complex mixtures containing certain quantities complexes of Fe(II) with fructose,  Co(II) with fructose  and a nature clay "clay-Askana"- (through ultrasonic material dispersion);; preparation of water suspension, its drying, grinding, manufacturing of solid form of preparation for oral administration. The preparation manufactured by mentioned method contains (in mass %): ligand D-fructose 24,2-29,0; iron (II)- 7,5-9,0; cobalt (II)- 0,0007; natural Askan-clay 68,3-62,0. The offered method provides getting of highly digestible, functional targeted product with maximum content of Fe(II). Therapeutic and preventive efficiency of manufactured preparation was tested on animals under study, namely on newborn piglets (toxicity of preparation was preliminary tested on laboratory white rats). Experiment result was expressed in getting rid of complications (iron deficiency anemia, diarrhea-dyspepsia) caused by stress factors related to termination of breast feeding of piglets and food change, as well as in their normal growth and development, normal blood chemistry values and live weight gain.


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