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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
India | Germany | France | Japan

Offline Database Access

( Volume 4 Issue 1,January 2018 ) OPEN ACCESS

K.Sivaprakash, Sundar.R, Siva Sankar.S, Rathina Kumar.B, Pranesh.R


Most of the People around the globe are not familiar with internet, the reason for inaccessible internet may vary region to region, somewhere because of geographical hurdles but internet has become one of the vital elements of survival for them. In such a scenario, there are parts of the Globe that doesn’t receive internet facility, or governmental restrictions.In some places, such as rural areas and remote regions, cell towers and Internet cables simply don’t exit. The connectivity will be achieved with the help of remote database access through wireless medium. Once the data has been sent to outernet server we can access it at anytime and anywhere by offline database (Without internet).

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