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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
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On-Road Vehicle Emission Inspection System with E-mail Alert

( Volume 2 Issue 6,June 2016 ) OPEN ACCESS

Venkatesh A, Prof. Riyaz Ahmed


Nowadays traffic is a major issue in the metropolitan cities like New Delhi, Bengaluru, Mumbai, etc,. In this ever increasing traffic there is a need to control the pollution issues as well as traffic accidents by implementing some smart embedded systems in to the vehicles. In this work, an automatic emission inspection system has been designed which will inspect the carbon monoxide level emitted by the vehicle. Moreover some of the safety related abnormalities like drink and drive, not wearing seat belt and high speed are also addressed. An alcoholic sensor, slot sensor and accelerometer sensor will serve the respective purpose. The continuous scanning of these abnormalities is done by the emission inspection system and if any abnormality is found, that abnormality along with the vehicle registration number is sent to the remote sensing unit which is installed in the traffic signals. The remote sensing unit sends a trigger message to the android device which in turn sends an email to the vehicle owner.

The complete setup is implemented using ARM Cortex M0 LPC 1115/303 microcontroller. 

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