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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
India | Germany | France | Japan

Optimization of IC Engine Valve for Stationary Engine on Fillet Basis

( Volume 3 Issue 1,January 2017 ) OPEN ACCESS

Sandip Dongare , Prof. P.A. Narwade


Design of the valve depends on many parameters like behaviour of material at high temperature, vibrations, fluid dynamics of exhaust gas, oxidization characteristics of valve material and exhaust gas, fatigue strength of valve material, configuration of the cylinder head, coolant flow and the shape of the port. This project deals with the study of stress induced in a valve due to high pressure inside the combustion chamber, spring force and cam force at high temperature conditions. For modelling CATIA is to be used and to analyze the valve ANSYS will be used as the tool. Structural analyses are to be performed on the valve based on fillet radius and results are discussed in detail.

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Total View : 850 | Downloads : 841 | Page No: 57-60 |

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