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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Online Journal)
India | Germany | France | Japan

Organizational Hospital Management Team Working as Professional Technological Innovation

( Volume 1 Issue 3,July 2015 ) OPEN ACCESS

Nasser Fegh hi Farahmand, Nurse Nahideh Fegh hi Farahmand


This paper proposes a relation of organizational hospital management team working by hospital management team working superintendence and reviews the organizational hospital management team working planning and performance measurement literature to develop a conceptual model and research propositions. Data are drawn from a survey of the comfort organizations in comfort organizations that around few samples of hospital management team working superintendence engage in organizational hospital management team working. The interview schedule was designed to collect data on a number of hospital management team working superintendence and strategic characteristics in addition to asking about the presence or absence of an organizational hospital management team working and, where appropriate, the time period to which the plan applied. Interviews were conducted face to face directly within the workplace, training and consultant sessions or indirectly by e-mail or using structured questionnaire. It is concluded that hospital management team working superintendence characteristics can be important in explaining and compilation the organizational hospital management team working within the comfort organizations for implementation of organizational hospital management team working planning. In fact, comfort organizations influence whether or not those organizations engage in organizational hospital management team working planning. In this field, the focus is on the special characteristics of hospital management team working superintendence such as education type and level.  

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