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International Journal of New Technology and Research

Impact Factor 3.953

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Pandemics Impact on City Design

( Volume 8 Issue 8,August 2022 ) OPEN ACCESS

Abdullah S. Yawer, Rania Raslan


Pandemics, City Design, Urban Spaces, Streets, public Transportation, green Areas and Nature, public services.


Because our cities are not equipped to adapt to pandemics, the unanticipated corona pandemic has rendered our environment uninhabitable. The 20th century saw six pandemics, beginning with the Spanish flu and ending with covid-19. Today, the age of pandemics has begun in order to construct healthy, sustainable cities whose streets would be devoid of occupants if a fresh pandemic breaks out. In metropolitan settings, the physical environment has a substantial influence, both in terms of supporting efforts to promote public health and reducing the probability of being ill. Among the replies are the organization of spaces, the development of physical barriers, improvements in building materials, and the planning of metropolitan regions.


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